Faux VFD Experiment on CodePen

Before I can become a hotshot web developer capable of utilizing any library I come across, I need to build up my skills from small projects. One of the ideas that occurred to me recently was motivated by an appreciation for vacuum fluorescent displays (VFD) as used in a Buick Reatta dashboard.

I’ve played with a small VFD salvaged from an old video cassette machine, but that’s nothing like the panorama we see on a Reatta dashboard. It is not something we’re likely to see ever again. The age of VFDs have long since passed and it’s not practical for an average hobbyist to build their own. The circle of people who consider VFD retro cool is probably not big enough to restart VFD manufacturing. That leaves us with building fakes out of technology we have on hand, and I thought I could quickly prototype my idea using web technologies, and here it is:

There are two parts to this faux VFD.

Less obviously visible is the fine hexagonal mesh emulating the control grid I saw when I put my salvaged VFD under a macro lens. I believe it is one of the two electrodes, whether anode or cathode I do not know. But it is a subtle part of a VFD that designers put effort into reducing and masking. Now it is part of the VFD charm and I wanted to replicate it.

Since it is a pattern built out of many small repeating sections, I thought the best way to recreate this mesh is with a bit of JavaScript code drawing to a <canvas>. Otherwise, I would have to create it in markup and that means a lot of duplication in a massive markup file. The innermost section of the loop draws three lines 60 degrees apart, and the loop iterates across the entire display area. Using code to draw vector graphics (versus tiling a bitmap) make this grid dynamically scalable to different resolutions.

Rendered behind the mesh is the “content” of the VFD, which is just a simple circle in this case. Since this is a large feature likely to be subject to direct editing, I decided to do this in SVG markup. My first attempt didn’t look right: modern screens are far too clear and crisp compared to a VFD. Such clarity is useful to render the fine details of my hexagonal control grid, but not for the VFD phosphors. I looked around online and found a SVG blur filter which was a lot closer to how a VFD would look.

I know the result isn’t perfect and I don’t know if I would end up applying this experiment to a future project, but I really liked the fact I could whip up a quick prototype in less than an hour. And furthermore, be able to share the prototype online via infrastructure like CodePen. Even if I don’t end up using it myself, putting it online makes it available for someone else to take this idea further.

Window Shopping Arwes Framework

The reason I want to be able to read JavaScript code written by others, no matter what oddball syntax they want to use, is because I want to be able to leverage the huge selection of web development libraries available freely on the internet. I started learning software development in a very commercialized world where everything costs money. Frameworks, components, technical support, sometimes even documentation costs money. But in today’s open-source world, the biggest cost is the time spent getting up to speed. I want to have the skill to get up to speed quickly, but I’m definitely not there yet.

The latest motivation is a nifty looking web app framework under development called Arwes. (Heard through Hackaday.) Arwes aims to make it easy to build computer interfaces that resemble fictional interfaces we see in science-fiction movies. This is, of course, much easier said than done. What shows up onscreen in a movie typically only needed to serve the purpose of a single scene. Which means a single interaction path, with a single set of data, towards a single goal. It could easily be a PowerPoint slide deck (and sometimes that’s exactly what they are on set.)

Real user interfaces have to handle a wide range of interactions, with a wide range of data, and serving multiple possible tasks. Not to mention having to worry about things never seen onscreen like internationalization and accessibility. Trying to make Sci-Fi onscreen interfaces work in a real world capacity usually ends up as a painful exercise. I’ve seen many efforts to create UI resembling Star Trek: The Next Generation‘s LCARS interface and it always ends up as something that delivers a poor user experience and inefficient use of screen real estate. And there’s the fact copyright around LCARS prevents a free open-source web framework.

I’m confident Arwes will evolve to tackle these and other similar issues. Reading the current state of documentation, I see there exists a set of “Vanilla” controls for use in any web framework of choice, and a sample implementation of such integration with React.js framework. At the moment I don’t know enough to leverage the Vanilla controls directly, and I have yet to learn React. I have more learning ahead of me before I could look at a framework like Arwes and say: “Oh yeah, I know how to use that.” That is still my goal and I’ll get there one small step at a time.

Angular Signals Code Lab CSS Requires “No-Quirks” Mode

The sample application for “Getting Started with Angular Signals” is designed to run on the StackBlitz cloud-based development environment. Getting it up and running properly on my local machine (after solving installation and compilation errors) took more effort than I had expected. I wouldn’t call the experience enjoyable, but it was certainly an educational trip through all the infrastructure underlying an Angular app. Now I have all the functional components up and running, I turn my attention to the visual appearance of the app. The layout only seems to work for certain window sizes and not others. I saw a chance for me to practice my CSS layout debugging skills, but what it also taught me was “HTML quirks mode”.

The sample app was styled to resemble a small hand-held device in the vein of the original Nintendo Game Boy: a monochrome screen up top and a keyboard on the bottom. (On second thought, maybe it’s supposed to be a Blackberry.) This app didn’t have audio effects, but there’s a little fake speaker grill in the lower right for a visual finish. The green “enclosure” of this handheld device is the <body> tag of the page, styled with border-radius for its rounded corners and box-shadow to hint at 3D shape.

When things go wrong, the screen and keyboard spills over the right edge of the body. Each of which had CSS specifying a height of 47% and an almost-square aspect-ratio of 10/9. The width, then, would be a function of those two values. The fact that they become too wide and spill over the right edge means they have “too much” height for the specified aspect ratio.

Working my way up the component tree, I found the source of “too much” height was the body tag, which has CSS specifying a width (clamped within a range) and an aspect-ratio of 10/17. The height, then, should be a function of those two values. When things go wrong, the width seems to be clamped to maximum of specified range as expected, but the body is too tall. Something has taken precedence over aspect-ratio:10/17 but that’s where I got stuck: I couldn’t figure out what the CSS layout system had decided was more important than maintaining aspect ratio.

After failing to find an explanation on my own, I turned to the StackBlitz example which worked correctly. Since I’ve learned the online StackBlitz example isn’t exactly the same as the GitHub repository, the first thing I did is to compare CSS. They seemed to match minus the syntax errors I had to fix locally, so that’s not it. I had a hypothesis that StackBlitz has something in their IDE page hierarchy and that’s why it worked in the preview pane. But clicking “Open in new tab” to run the app independent of the rest of StackBlitz IDE HTML still looks fine. Inspecting the object tree and associated stylesheets side-by-side, I saw that my local copy seems to have duplicated styles. But since that just meant one copy completely overrides the other identical copy, it wouldn’t be the explanation.

The next difference I noticed between StackBlitz and local copy is the HTML document type declaration at the top of index.html.

<!DOCTYPE html>

This is absent from project source code, but StackBlitz added it to the root when it opened the app in a new tab. I doubted it had anything to do with my problem because it isn’t a CSS declaration. But in the interest of eliminating differences between them, I added <!DOCTYPE html> to the top of my index.html.

I was amazed to find that was the key. CSS layout now respects aspect-ratio and constrains height of the body, which kept screen and keyboard from spilling over. But… why does the HTML document type declaration affect CSS behavior? A web search eventually led me to the answer: backwards compatibility or “Quirks Mode”. By default, browsers emulate behavior of older browsers. What are those non-standards-compliant behaviors? That is a deep dark rabbit hole I intend to avoid as much as I can. But it’s clear one or more quirks affected aspect-ratio used in this sample app. Having the HTML document type declaration at the top of my HTML activates the “no-quirks” mode that intends to strictly adhere to modern HTML and CSS standards, and now layout works as intended.

The moral of today’s story: Remember to put <!DOCTYPE html> at the top of my index.html for every web app project. If things go wrong, at least the mistake is likely my own fault. Without the tag, there are intentional weirdness because some old browser got things wrong years ago and I don’t want that to mess me up. (Again.)

Right now, I have a hard enough time getting CSS to do my bidding for normal things. Long term, I want to become familiar enough with CSS to make it do not just functional but also fun decorative things.

My code changes are made in my fork of the code lab repository in branch signals-get-started.

CSS Beginner Struggles: aspect-ratio and height

Reviewing CSS from web.dev’s “Learn CSS!” course provided a refresher on a lot of material and also introduced me to new material I hadn’t seen before. I had hoped for a bit of “aha” insight to help me with CSS struggles in my project, but that didn’t happen. The closest was a particular piece of information (Flexbox for laying out along one dimension, Grid for two dimensions) that told me I’m on the right track using Flexbox.

A recurring theme with my CSS frustration is the fact height and width are not treated the same way in HTML layout. I like to think of them as peers, two equal and orthogonal dimensions, but that’s not how things work here. It traces back to HTML fundamentals of laying out text for reading text in a left-to-right, top-to bottom languages like English. Like a typesetter, the layout is specified in terms of width. Column width, margin width, etc. Those were the parameters that fed into layout. Height of a paragraph is then determined by the length of text that could fit within specified width. Thus, height is an output result, not an input parameter, of the layout process.

For my Compass web app, I had a few text elements I knew I wanted to lay out. Header, footer, sensor values, etc. After they have all been allocated screen real estate, I wanted my compass needle to be the largest square that could fit within the remaining space. That last part is the problem: while we have ways to denote “all remaining space” for width, there’s no such equivalent for height because height is a function of width and content. This results in unresolvable circular logic when my content (square compass) is a function of height, but the height is a function of my content.

I could get most of the way to my goal with liberal application of “height: 100%” in my CSS rules. It does not appear to inherit/cascade, so I have to specify “height: 100%” on every element down the DOM hierarchy. If I don’t, height of that element collapses to zero because my compass doesn’t have an inherent height of its own.

Once I get to my compass, I could declare it to be a square with aspect-ratio. But when I did so, I find that aspect-ratio does its magic by changing element height to satisfy specified aspect ratio. When my remaining space is wider than it is tall, aspect-ratio expands height so it matches width. This is consistent with how the rest of HTML layout treats width vs. height, and it accomplishes the specified aspect ratio. But now it is too tall to fit within remaining space!

Trying to reign that in, I played with “height: 100%“, “max-height: 100%“, and varying combinations of similar CSS rules. They could affect CSS-specified height values, but seems to have no effect on height change from aspect-ratio. Setting aspect-ratio means height is changed to fit available width and I found no way to declare the reverse in CSS: change width to fit within available height.

From web.dev I saw Codepen.io offered ability to have code snippets in a webpage, so here’s a test to see how it works on my own blog. I pulled the HTML, CSS, and minimal JavaScript representing a Three.js <canvas> into a pen so I could fiddle with this specific problem independent of the rest of the app. I think I’ve embedded it below but here’s a link if the embed doesn’t work.

After preserving a snapshot of my headache in Codepen, I returned to Compass app which still had a problem that needed solving. Unable to express my intent via CSS, I turned to code. I abandoned using aspect-ratio and resized my Three.js canvas to a square whose size is calculated via:

Math.floor(Math.min(clientWidth, clientHeight));

Taking width or height, whichever is smaller, and then rounding down. I have to round down to the nearest whole number otherwise scroll bars pop up, and I don’t want scroll bars. I hate solving a layout problem with code, but it’ll have to do for now. Hopefully sometime in the future I will have a better grasp of CSS and can write the proper stylesheet to accomplish my goal. In the meantime, I look for other ways to make layout more predictable such as making my app full screen.

The source code for my project is publicly available on GitHub, though it no longer uses aspect-ratio as per the workaround described at the end of this poist.

SGVHAK Rover Interface Avoids Confirmation Dialog

Shutdown Reboot

Our SGVHAK Rover’s brain prefers to be shut down gracefully rather than having its power removed at an arbitrary time. If power cuts out in the middle of a system write operation, it risks corrupting our system storage drive. While our control software is written to be fairly platform-agnostic, we’re primarily running it on Raspberry Pi which lacks a hardware shutdown button. So we need to create an UI to initiate a system shutdown via software.

The easiest thing to do would be to add a “Shutdown” button. And since it is a rather drastic event, have a “Are you sure?” confirmation dialog. This historically common pattern is falling out of favor with user interface designers. Computer users today are constantly inundated with confirmation dialog making them less effective. If our user has built up a habit of dismissing confirmation dialog without thinking, a confirmation dialog is no confirmation at all.

So how do we enforce confirmation of action without resorting to the overplayed confirmation dialog? We have to design our UI to prevent an accidental shutdown from a wayward finger press. To accomplish this goal, our shutdown procedure is designed so user must make a deliberate series of actions, none of which is “Yes/No’ on an ineffectual dialog box.

First – our user must enter a “System Power” menu. If they entered by mistake, any of the three active buttons will take then back to main menu. There’s no way to accidentally shutdown with a single mistaken tap.

Second – they must select “Shutdown” or “Reboot”, forcing a deliberate choice to be made before our UI activates “OK” button. If an incorrect selection is made, it can be corrected without accidentally triggering the action because both options are on the far left of the screen and “OK” is on the far right. Bottom line: Even with two accidental presses, our system will not shut down or reboot.

Third – With the “OK” button now activate after two deliberate actions, the user can tap it to begin the shutdown (or reboot) process.

Basic Motor Test for SGVHAK Rover

Our first opportunity to deploy the new Bootstrap-based touch-friendly HTML UI was a basic but critical motor test. A RoboClaw motor controller utilizes encoder feedback to know what the motor is doing. Based on this feedback, logic within the controller adjusts its electrical output to deliver either a commanded velocity or a commanded position. For any of that to work, an encoder must be installed properly. Our rover’s travelling wheel motors incorporated a pair of LED+photo diode units as optical quadrature encoders. Since we have a pair of sensors, there are two possible ways to wire them to RoboClaw input: one of which is correct and other is backwards.

To verify wiring, we need a basic motor test that will instruct RoboClaw to drive its motor at some power level, which is something it can do without encoder input. Then the test will query for encoder count and verify positive motor motion increments encoder count. If positive motion decrements encoder count, we’ll need to swap some wires.

Which wires need swapping? That depends on which way our motor is turning. We want positive motor rotation to correspond to forward rover motion, which means the left and right sides of the rover will be wired in mirror image. For rover’s right side wheels, positive motion will be clockwise (when viewed from rover’s right) and rover left wheels will be counter-clockwise. This desire to see the wheel motion in context of rover chassis is why we wanted this motor test to be usable on board the rover itself via the Raspberry Pi touchscreen.

If positive motor motion is rotating in the direction we want, and we need to swap wires, then we swap the encoder wires to maintain motor direction. If we need to swap wires and our motor is spinning in the wrong direction, we leave the encoder wires alone and swap our motor control wires instead. If the direction is wrong, and encoder is in sync, we’ll need to swap both sets of wires.

Basic Motor Test

HTML UI work described in this post began with this commit visible on Github.

Make RoboClaw HTML Control UI Scale Across Different Screen Types with Bootstrap

The basic HTML UI we were using to learn how to work with a RoboClaw motion controller was bare-bones web 1.0 in style. This worked very well when it only had to let us experiment to understand the controller while it’s sitting on a test stand next to the development workstation computer.

Once we got ready to move beyond tethered desktop computer scenarios, though, we had a problem. We had two touchscreen scenarios: one for UI directly on the robot via the Raspberry Pi Foundation touchscreen, the second scenario is remote control using a cell phone or tablet’s web browser.

Because the UI content was written in bare HTML, it does not scale to touchscreen devices the way we expect all modern web sites to do. In order to make this happen, we had to bring our HTML from the relative stone ages to conform to current practices.

Fortunately, this project received help from someone who has recently completed training on web design and development. [Amy] volunteered to jump in and make the controller HTML presentable and usable on touchscreen devices. Thanks to the open source nature of the web, most of the hard work has already been done by others and we just need to pull in one of the many freely available libraries to help build an UI that can respond to changes in the web browser environment.

For this experiment, [Amy] pulled in Bootstrap then began retrofitting the control test UI so Bootstrap can perform its magic across the different types of screens.


Link in Bootstrap

See World(s) Online

NASALogoOne of the longest tenure items on my “To-Do” exploration is to get the hang of the Google Earth API and learn how to create a web app around it. This was very exciting web technology when Google seemed to be moving Google Earth from a standalone application to a web-based solution. Unfortunately its web architecture was based around browser plug-ins which eventually lead to its death.

It made sense for Google Earth functionality to be folded into Google Maps, but that seemed to be a slow process of assimilation. It never occurred to me that there are other alternatives out there until I stumbled across a talk about NASA’s World Wind project. (A hands-on activity, too, with a sample project to play with.) The “Web World Wind” component of the project is a WebGL library for geo-spatial applications, which makes me excited about its potential for fun projects.

The Java edition of World Wind has (or at least used to) have functionality beyond our planet Earth. There were ways to have it display data sets from our moon or from Mars. Sadly the web edition has yet to pick up that functionality.

JPL does currently expose a lot of Mars information in a web-browser accessible form on the Mars Trek site. According to the speaker of my talk, it was not built on World Wind. He believes it was built on Cesium, another WebGL library for global data visualization.

I thought there was only Google Earth, and now I know there are at least two other alternatives. Happiness.

The speaker of the talk is currently working in the JPL Ops Lab on the OnSight project, helping planetary scientists collaborate on Mars research using Microsoft’s Hololens for virtual presence on Mars. That sounds like an awesome job.

Fusion 360 vs. Onshape: Raspberry Pi

raspberry-pi-logoAnd now for something completely silly: let’s look at how our two competing hobbyist-friendly CAD offerings fare on the hobbyist-friendly single-board computer, the Raspberry Pi.

(Spoiler: both failed.)

Raspberry Pi

I have on hand the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. Featuring a far more powerful CPU than the original Pi which finally made the platform usable for basic computing tasks.

When the Raspberry Pi foundation updated its Raspbian operating system with PIXEL, they switched the default web browser from Epiphany to Chromium, the open-source fork of Google’s Chrome browser. Bringing in a mainstream HTML engine resulted in far superior compatibility with a wider range of web sites, supporting many of the latest web standards, including WebGL which is what we’ll be playing with today.

Autodesk Fusion 360

Fusion 360 is a native desktop application compiled for Windows and MacOS, so we obviously couldn’t run that on the Pi. However, there is a web component: Fusion 360 projects can be shared on the Autodesk 360 collaboration service. From there, the CAD model can be viewed in a web browser via WebGL on non-Windows/MacOS platforms.

While such files can be viewed on a desktop machine running Ubuntu and Chromium, a Raspberry Pi 3 running Chromium is not up to the task. Only about half of the menu bar and navigation controls are rendered correctly, and in the area of the screen where the actual model data should be, we get only a few nonsensical rectangles.


Before this experiment I had occasionally worked on my Onshape projects on my desktop running Ubuntu and Chromium, so I had thought the web-based Onshape would have an advantage in Raspberry Pi Chromium. It did, just not usefully so.

In contrast to A360’s partial menu UI rendering, all of Onshape’s menu UI elements rendered correctly. Unfortunately, the actual CAD model is absent in the Raspberry Pi Chromium environment as well. We get the “Loading…” circle and it was never replaced by the CAD model.


Sorry, everyone, you can’t build a web-based CAD workstation with a $35 Raspberry Pi 3.

You can, however, use these WebGL sites as a stress test of the Raspberry Pi. I had three different ways of powering my Pi and this experiment proved enlightening.

  1. A Belkin-branded 12V to 5V USB power adapter: This one delivered good steady voltage at light load, but when the workload spiked to 100% the voltage dropped low enough for the Pi to brown out and reset.
  2. A cheap Harbor Freight 12V to 5V USB adapter: This one never delivered good voltage. Even at light load, the Pi would occasionally flash the low-voltage warning icon, but never low enough to trigger a reboot. When the workload spiked to 100%, the voltage is still poor but also never dropped enough to trigger a reset. Hurray for consistent mediocrity!
  3. An wall outlet AC to 5V DC power unit (specifically advertised to support the Raspberry Pi) worked as advertised – no low-voltage warnings and no resets.

Static Web Site Hosting with Amazon S3 and Route 53

aws_logoWeb application frameworks have the current spotlight, which is why I started learning Ruby on Rails to get an idea what the fuss was about. But a big framework isn’t always the right tool for the job. Sometimes it’s just a set of static files to be served upon request. No server-side smarts necessary.

This was where I found myself when I wanted to put up a little web site to document my #rxbb8 project. I just wanted to document the design & build process, and I already had registered the domain rxbb8.com. The HTML content was simple enough to create directly in a text editor and styled with CSS from the Materialize library.

After I got a basic 1.0 version of my hand-crafted site, I uploaded the HTML (and associated images) to an Amazon S3 bucket. It only takes a few clicks to allow files in a S3 bucket to be web-accessible via a long cumbersome URL on Amazon AWS domain http://rxbb8.com.s3-website-us-west-2.amazonaws.com. Since I wanted this content to be accessible via the rxbb8.com domain I already registered, I started reading up on the AWS service named in geek-humor style as Route 53.

Route 53 is designed to handle the challenges of huge web properties, distributing workload across many computers in many regions. (No single computer could handled all global traffic for, say, netflix.com.) The challenge for a novice like myself is to figure out how to pull out just the one tool I need from this huge complex Swiss army knife.

Fortunately this usage case is popular enough for Amazon to have written a dedicated developer guide for it. Unfortunately, the page doesn’t have all the details. The writer helpfully points the reader to other reference articles, but those pages revert back to talking about complex deployments and again it takes effort to distill the simple basics out of the big feature list.

If you get distracted or lost, stay focused on this Cliff Notes version:

  1. Go into Route 53 dashboard, create a Hosted Zone for the domain.
  2. In that Hosted Zone, AWS has created two record sets by default. One of them is the NS type, write down the name servers listed.
  3. Go to your domain registrar and tell them to point name servers for the domain to the AWS name servers listed in step 2.
  4. Create S3 storage bucket for the site, enable static website hosting.
  5. Create a new Record Set in the Route 53 Hosted Zone. Select “Alias” to “Yes” and point alias target to the S3 storage bucket in step 4.

Repeat #4 and #5 for each sub-domain that needs to be hosted. (The AWS documentation created example.com and repeated 4-5 for www.example.com.)

And then… wait.

The update in step 3 needs time to propagate to name servers across the internet. My registrar said it may take up to 24 hours. In my case, I started getting intermittent results within 2 hours, but it took more than 12 hours before everything stabilized to the new settings.

But it was worth the effort to see version 1.0 of my created-from-scratch static web site up and running on my domain! And since it’s such a small and simple site with little traffic, it will cost me only a few pennies per month to host in this manner.


Let the App… Materialize!

materializecsslogoAfter I got the Google sign-in working well enough for my Rails practice web app, the first order of business was to build the basic skeleton. This was a great practice exercise to take the pieces I learned in the Ruby on Rails Tutorial sample app and build something of my own design.

The initial pass implemented basic functionality but it didn’t look very appealing. I had focused on the Rails server-side code and left the client-side code simple plain HTML that would have been state-of-the-art in… maybe 1992?

Let’s make it look like something that belongs in 2017.

The Rails tutorial sample app used Bootstrap to improve the appearance and functionality of the client-side interface. I decided to take this opportunity to learn something new instead of doing the same thing. Since I’m using Google Sign-In in this app, I decided to adopt Google’s design concepts to my client-side appearance as well.

Web being the web, I knew I wouldn’t have to start from scratch. I knew about Google’s own Material Lite and thought that would be a good candidate before I learned it had been retired in favor of its successor, Material Components for the web. One of the touted advantages was improved integration with different web platforms. Sadly Rails was not among the platforms with examples ready-to-go.

I looked around for an existing project to help Rails projects adapt Google’s design language, and that’s when I found Materialize: A library that shares many usage patterns with Bootstrap. The style sheets are even written using SASS, native to default Rails apps, making for easy integration. Somebody has done that work and published it as Ruby gem materialize-sass, so all I had to do was add a single line to use Materialize in my app.

Of course I still had to put in the effort to revise all the view files in my web app to pick up Materialize styling and features. That took a few days, and the reward for this effort is a practice web app which no longer look so amateurish.

Simple Online Digital Photo Frame

The CarrierWave Playground project was created for experimentation with image upload. As intended, it helped me learn things about CarrierWave such as creating versions of the image scaled to different resolutions and extracting EXIF image metadata.

Obviously the image has to be displayed to prove that the upload was successful. I hadn’t intended to spend much time on the display side of things, but I started playing with the HTML and kept going. Logic was added for the browser to report its window size so the optimal image could be sent and scaled to fit. I had a button to reload the page, and it was fairly simple to change it from “reload the current page” to “navigate to another page”. Adding a JavaScript timer to execute this navigation… and voila! I had myself a rudimentary digital photo frame web app that loads and displays image in a sequence.

It’s fun but fairly crude. Brainstorming the possibilities, I imagine the following stages of sophistication:

Stage 1 – Basic: Where I am now, simple JavaScript that performs page navigation on a timer.

Problem: page blinks and abruptly shifts as new page is loaded. To avoid the abrupt shift, we have to eliminate the page switch.

Stage 2 – Add AJAX: Instead of a page navigation, perform a XMLHttpRequest to the server asking for information on the next image. Load the image in the background, and once complete, perform a smooth transition (fade out/fade in/etc.) from one image to the next.

Problem: Visual experience is at the mercy of the web browser, which probably has an address bar and other UI on screen. Also, the user’s screen will quickly go dark due to power saving features. To reliably solve both, I will need app-level access.

Stage 3 – Vendor-specific wrapper: Every OS platform has a way to allow web site authors an express lane into the app world. Microsoft offers the Windows App Studio. Apple has iOS web applications. Google has Android Web Apps.

Unknown: The JavaScript timer is a polling model, do we gain anything by moving to a server-push model? If so, that means…

Stage 4 – WebSocket: Photo updates are triggered by the server. Since I’m on Rails, the most obvious answer is to do this via WebSockets using Action Cable.

Looking at the list, I think I can tackle Stage 2 pretty soon if not immediately.

Stages 3 and 4 are more advanced and I’ll hold off for later.

Codecademy “Learn Sass” notes

SasslogoWhile learning Ruby on Rails, one of the things I put on my “look into this later” list was Sass. I knew it was related to CSS but didn’t know the details, I just noticed when the Rails generator created a controller, it created a .scss file under the stylesheets directory.

So when I received email from Codecademy notifying me that they have a new class on Sass… the “look into this later” became “let’s look into it now”.

Unlike Ruby on Rails, Sass is not a huge complicated system. It solves a fairly specific set of problems typical of CSS growing unwieldy as it grows with a project. It introduces some very nice concepts to keep CSS information organized. After banging my head on lots of walls with Ruby on Rails, it is refreshing to tackle a smaller-scope project and be able to understand what’s going on. The Codecademy format is well suited to teach a smaller scoped concept like Sass.

I was also mildly amused to learn that Sass is apparently written in Ruby. I don’t think it particularly matters what the implementation was, but it’s amusing to me to see Ruby applied in an entirely different way from Rails. The bonus is that, if I should try to debug or extend Sass myself, I wouldn’t be starting from scratch looking over its source code.

Being a fresh course, the Codecademy class had a few minor problems that still need to get ironed out. The flashcard example was supposed to flip on mouse hover… it never did anything for me. Too bad, because I think the effect would have been interesting.

I haven’t gotten far enough with Rails to think about making my web app pretty, but when I do, I know how to keep my style sheets manageable with Sass.

Onward to Unity Adventures

After deciding to move on from Phaser, I looked around for other game engines to generate web games. I came across Unity again and again. Unity is not new to me, but I also knew their web support was via the Unity web player browser plug-in. This is a problem, as browser plug-ins have fallen into disfavor. All the major desktop browsers Firefox / Chrome / IE, are moving away from plug-ins.

So… dead end (or at least dying). Plug-ins are not the future of the web.

Because of the web player, I dismissed every mention of Unity for web development I encountered, until I came across information that slapped me upside the head and woke me up. The web player is not the only Unity web target: Unity now has another web-friendly build target: WebGL, no plug-in required! Wow!

This warrants a closer look. While WebGL might be immature and inconsistent across browsers, it is a shared goal of many interests to evolve and mature the platform and I share their high hopes. The browser plug-in model is going away. WebGL may or may not take off but all the signs today look promising.

Unity had been on my to-do list of research topics, but it ranked lower than HTML-related technologies. (This is why I started with HTML, JavaScript, Node.JS, etc.) There are many interesting areas of development I can explore with Unity. Graphics, networking, user interface design, virtual reality, Android development, iOS development, the list goes on.

And now I learned that I can even explore some parts of the web world with Unity. It is quite the Swiss Army Knife of software development. With this latest discovery, Unity has moved to the top of my to-do list. It is time to roll up my sleeves and dig in.

This should be fun.

A quick look at Phaser

In a quest for something more substantial, I looked into the HTML5 game engine Phaser. It has a large audience and an impressive set of features. It was fun poking through some of the source to see how it does its magic, but I ultimately decided against making my own Phaser creation because it is at its core a bitmap-based system.

Bitmaps don’t scale as nicely as vectors by their nature, and I place a great deal of importance on ability to scale well. In the modern HTML world, the customer might be running resolutions ranging anywhere from a 320 x 480 iPhone screen to a 3840 x 2160 4K desktop display.

The people behind Phaser isn’t blind to this. Part of the core features includes a ScaleManager class to help the process. There are also ways to load lower- or higher-resolution assets in response to the screen resolution used by the particular user. But it is an imperfect solution, there are still bitmap scaling artifacts around that plainly wouldn’t be an issue at all had the system been based on vector graphics.

Most of the Phaser titles don’t bother with scaling at all, or only scale across a few fixed resolutions. I find myself quite annoyed when I load up a sample app, just to see it take up a tiny 320×480 (resolution of the original iPhone) section of my desktop browser.


I’ll keep looking.

The other “cloud development”

When I set out on this adventure, I knew I wanted to eventually cover the basics of the major cloud services. Write some sample services to run on Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google cloud services, etc.

I was surprised to stumble into an entirely different meaning of “cloud development”: writing code in a browser. I had seen the educational coding playgrounds of Codecademy, and I had seen small trial tools like JSFiddle, but I had no idea that was just the tip of the iceberg and things can get much fancier.

I had started a project to practice my newly-learned jQuery skills. Just with a text editor on my computer and running the HTML straight off the file system. As soon as I learned of these web-based development environments I wanted to try it out by moving my project over.

The first I tried was Codenvy, whose whitepapers are quite grandiose in what it offers for improving developer productivity. Unfortunately the kind of development Codenvy supports aren’t the kind of things I know anything about today. But I’ll revisit in a few weeks to check again.

The second I tried was Cloud 9, which does support simple HTML+CSS+JS projects like what I wanted to do. Working in Cloud 9 gave me some tools for static analysis and serving my file off a real web server. It also integrates into Github preserving my source control workflow.

After a JavaScript project of around 300 lines of code, I can comfortably say I’m quite impressed. In the areas of development-time tooling and integration experience, it far exceeded my expectations. However, there was an area of disappointment: the debugging experience was either hard to find or just wasn’t there at all.

When my little project goes awry, I resorted to loading up the project in a separate browser window and using the web browser debugger. This is on par with the simpler tools like JSFiddle and JSBin. I had hoped for better.

I’m cautiously optimistic I’ll find a tool with better debugging experience as I continue to explore.

The cross-site rabbit hole

Wow, cross-site issues are huge cans of worms!

In the absence of first-hand experience dealing with network-centric development, my knowledge of cross-site vulnerabilities has been limited to broad descriptions covered in tech press.

While educating myself in the jQuery Learning Center, I came across the JSONP utility functions of jQuery. Trying to understand the utility meant I had to look up JSONP. Trying to understand JSONP required learning what problem it is trying to solve. Which dropped me into the rabbit hole of web security. Starting with a web browser’s same-origin policy, through cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and others.

The short version: Communication across multiple web domains is a very powerful thing. And like everything that’s powerful, there are people who will use it for evil. The various browser policies are efforts to shut down such activity to protect users from evil.

Like every effort to control great powers that can be used for good or evil, both sides continue to find ways to do what they want despite the walls erected to block them.

  1. Because it is so powerful for nefarious purposes: Hackers continue to find ways to circumvent cross-domain protection with clever exploitation. To keep me grounded in jQuery education, Wikipedia helpfully pointed to a cross-site security issue in jQuery itself. Problems can hide anywhere.
  2. Because it is so powerful for legitimately useful purposes: Developers continue to find ways to communicate across domains in a relatively safer manner. (Usually until a creative hacker comes along to prove why it isn’t safe.) JSONP, which started my whole adventure, is one such method.

Like everything else I’m learning about web programming, this will have to be a brief overview and I have to come back later. Right now I don’t even understand all the vocabulary yet.

I’m unsettled by this topic. The importance of network security grows with every passing day. This feels like a very fundamental area of network security, and it is a huge nasty hairball that has proven to be difficult to untangle. This can only be a recipe for more security vulnerabilities in the future.

Maybe even one that I inadvertently create.



After completing the Codecademy jQuery class, I felt I had a decent overview but wanted more depth. I found that the jQuery project offers a jQuery Learning Center. I’ll likely write a dedicated post once I’m done, but that’s not today.

After reading a certain amount of documentation, I start feeling out of touch with the concepts: Too much theory and not enough practice. I tried to create a small project to play with jQuery but I made rookie mistakes with basic boilerplate, wasting a lot of time instead of learning.

That’s when I remembered something I saw while reading documentation for the Facebook React project: JSFiddle. I don’t have enough understanding to use React yet, but they embedded JSFiddle in their documentation so people can play with code as they go.

A fresh fiddle already has the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript all properly linked up. To use a framework or extension like jQuery, selecting from a drop-down box activates it with no fussing with tags, links, or URLs. Once the code snippets have been typed in, a click on “Run” will render to the output window. No upload to web server necessary.

This is a huge advantage when testing small pieces of code. No need to get bogged down in repetitious boilerplate, just focus on the interesting bits. I had a great time putting the various bits of theory into practice.

A downside for me was that debugging got messy. When I’m debugging just my own HTML with the browser’s built-in debugging tools, I have only a tiny bit of code to examine and all of it is mine.

But when I launch the browser debug tools on a fiddle, the debugger puts the whole JSFiddle page under examination. Even though my code is only a tiny part of the page. It gets tiresome trying to separate out my item of interest from everything else going on with the JSFiddle page.

But still, JSFiddle looks like a great tool for experimentation.

Codecademy “jQuery” notes

The “jQuery” class track was my first Codecademy class where everything is new to me. It was a lot of fun!

I’m very amused that the “new HTML” has ditched a lot of the mechanisms of the “old HTML” yet they’re all together in one big bucket of HTML. There were input forms using the input fields that I had known before, but they don’t bother with the form submit at the end. Entirely different script code is executed to replace the old-school form submit.

A whole lot of “new HTML” is hitched to the <div> element. Which, in the old world, does nothing. (That’s not a sarcastic remark, read the official specification.) But with CSS and jQuery, the empty placeholder of a <div> becomes the starting point for visuals, actions, responses, all kinds of things impossible in old static HTML.

This was also the first Codecademy class that referenced API documentation for the class material. I was a little annoyed with the previous classes that lacked a pointer for students to get more information.

Towards the end of the class, they introduced jQuery UI, which is a separate library built on top of jQuery. I think the fact they were two separate entities deserved more emphasis, and the class didn’t get into why they were two separate things at all.

Once I understand how the design philosophies differ between the two, I will have an idea if I should look in one or the other for any specific thing I might be researching. But I don’t have that yet! So I’ll have to look in both places until I do.


Codecademy “HTML & CSS” notes

UPDATE: Codecademy has revamped their introductory “HTML & CSS” class. The notes below reflect the old version which is no longer available.

Just finished the Codecademy “HTML & CSS” class. It helps me get a feel of how Codecademy lessons are organized. There is a lot of overlap in material with the “Make a Website” class I finished earlier, but their structure is different.

“Make a Website” is focused on the goal of the AirBnB-like page they advertised up front, and the steps are laid out to reach that goal. While it starts with basic HTML concepts, it doesn’t go into HTML areas not relevant to the goal. It’s also happy to deviate from basic HTML in service of the goal, using the Bootstrap framework instead of getting mired in the complexities of handcrafting HTML layout.

“HTML & CSS” is less focused on the goal (though it does have mini-goals in each of the units) and so has fuller coverage of basic concepts. On the CSS side, I liked the fact it gets into more gritty details of layout, but far short of what I can do with Bootstrap. There’s still a sizable gap in my understanding before I can explain how Bootstrap does the layout magic it does with just CSS.

There’s a lot more repetition in the “HTML & CSS” class. Since it was mostly review for me, the repetition got very tiresome. I’ll keep this in mind when we get into things new to me, perhaps I’ll appreciate the repetition for new concepts.