Window Shopping Google App Engine (And Some Competitors)

I think I have a working understanding of Angular Standalone components and plan to use them for my future Angular projects. But the sample application in “Getting Started with Angular Standalone Components” code lab had other details worth looking into. Two Google cloud services were included in the exercise: Diagflow Messenger and App Engine. I assume their inclusion were a bit of Google product cross-promotion, as neither were strictly required to build Angular applications using standalone components.

Diagflow Messenger makes it easy to incorporate a chatbot onto your page. I personally always ignore chatbots as much as I can, so I’m not likely to incorporate one to my own project. On the other hand, Google App Engine looks interesting.

The standalone component code lab project only used App Engine to host static files via express.static. In that respect, it could have just as easily been hosted via GitHub Pages, which is what I’ve been using because my projects so far have been strictly static affairs. But I have ambition for more dynamic projects in the future and for those ideas I’ll need a server. When I took the Ruby on Rails Tutorial (twice) aspiring web developers could host their projects on Heroku’s free tier. Unfortunately, Heroku has since eliminated their free tier. Web development learners like me will have to look elsewhere for a free option.

Heroku implemented their service on top of Amazon Web Services. Looking around AWS documentation, I didn’t find an equivalent service making it trivial to deploy backend projects like Ruby on Rails or Node.js. We could certainly roll our own on top AWS EC2 instances and there’s a tutorial to do so but it’s not free. While there’s an EC2 introductory offer for 750 free hours in the first 12 months, after that there’s nothing in Amazon’s always-free tier for this kind of usage.

Google App Engine is similar to Heroku in offering developer-friendly way to deploy backend projects, in this case Node.js. And even better, basic level services are free if I stay within relevant quotas. According to documentation, this service is built on containers rather than EC2 virtual machines like Heroku. I don’t know if there’s enough of a difference in developer experience for me to worry about. One footnote I noticed was the list of system packages available to my projects. I saw a few names that might be useful like FFmpeg, ImageMagick, and SQLite. (Aside: The documentation page also claims Chrome headless, but I don’t actually see it on the list.)

To round out the big three, I poked around Microsoft’s Azure documentation. I found Azure App Service and instructions for deploying a Node.js web app. Azure also offers a free tier and it sounds like the free tier is also subject to quotas. Unlike Google App Engine, everything on Azure comes to a halt if I hit free tier quotas. For experiments, I prefer Azure’s approach of halting. Exceeding free tier limits on Google App Engine starts charging money rather than taking my app offline. If I build something I want to actually use, I might prefer Google’s method. Sure, I might have to pay a few bucks, but at least I can still access my app.

These two free plans should be good enough for me to learn and evolve my skills, assuming they don’t disapper as Heroku free tier did. If I get far enough in my web application development adventures to be willing to pay for server capacity, I’m will also look into an independent offering like DreamHost’s DreamCompute or one of DigitalOcean’s products for Node.js hosting.

But that’s for later. Right now, I have more I could learn from Angular standalone components code lab sample application.

Google OAuth Test Tokens Expire Weekly

I know I have a lot to learn about network security, acronyms like CORS and CSRF are just a start. Another name I’ve come across is OAuth, which looked very complicated. Some critics say its complexity was by design, cynically describing OAuth as a system designed by enterprise security consultants to sell more consulting services. I don’t know how true that is, but just from touching its edge I can confirm it is even more complicated than it looked.

My introduction was via Home Assistant, which was primarily designed to keep everything in my home and would have no need for OAuth. Pragmatically, though, it also makes effort to connect to cloud-based services, even though that is no longer keeping everything in my home. In order to connect to Google/Amazon/etc. there needs to be an internet-accessible entry point to a Home Assistant instance. It’s possible to do everything ourselves, but the easier way is to pay Nabu Casa for a Home Assistant Cloud account to bridge between public internet and private home network. Such payment also supports development of Home Assistant, which I’m happy to do.

My first test for Home Assistant Cloud was to connect to my Nest thermostat. Home Assistant has an integration for Google Nest, and it was implemented in a way to leave a lot of control in the user’s hands. Instead of something that suspiciously sucks up our Google credentials, we get instructions on how to use our own Google credentials to grant very specific and narrow access to Home Assistant Cloud. The upside is that Nabu Casa doesn’t get to say how that access is granted. The downside is that we have to deal with everything ourselves, and that meant dealing with OAuth.

Following instructions for integration setup means setting up a Google developer account and logging into our Google Cloud services console to set up a new project to communicate with Home Assistant. This is not very user-friendly but reflects the developer-oriented origins of Home Assistant. One of the steps told us to “Publish App” because if we don’t, the project status will stay “Testing”. “Make sure the status is not Testing, or you will get logged out every 7 days.

When I click “Publish App” I was told my app requires verification which requires:

  1. An official link to your app’s Privacy Policy
  2. A YouTube video showing how you plan to use the Google user data you get from scopes
  3. A written explanation telling Google why you need access to sensitive and/or restricted user data
  4. All your domains verified in Google Search Console

A privacy policy? A YouTube video? A written explanation for Google? I didn’t want to do all that just to access my Nest thermostat from Home Assistant! Google OAuth API Verification is a whole bag of worms, even their FAQ page is a long slog of a read.

So, I bailed.

But this meant my Home Assistant OAuth token expires after a week. (“A Google Cloud Platform project with an OAuth consent screen configured for an external user type and a publishing status of “Testing” is issued a refresh token expiring in 7 days.“) After that, I would have to manually renew it. This is far from ideal, and a poor first impression for working with OAuth. Maybe I’ll be less hostile to OAuth once I get some experience with it, but this first impression certainly doesn’t motivate me to do that anytime soon.

StackBlitz: a Web App for Building Web Apps

It’s always nice when the team behind a particular piece of software put in an effort to make newcomer introduction easy. Part of Angular’s low-friction introduction shopping app tutorial is letting us learn Angular basics without installing anything on our development machines, by using the web-based development environment StackBlitz. After I used it for the Angular tutorial, I took a quick detour to learn a bit more about StackBlitz to see what else it might be useful for.

According to the StackBlitz announcement post in 2017, its foundation is built from components of Visual Studio Code but transformed to be accessible via a browser. Behind the VSCode-based UI is a big pool of virtual machines spun up on-demand to support front-end web development. StackBlitz started with support for Angular and React, and more have been added since. Plus a beta program for full stack development so their ambition is still expanding. These virtual machines perform code compilation and also a web server to host the results. These servers are public by default, so developers can check how their results look on a cell phone, on a tablet, etc.

But while StackBlitz gives us online compute resources, their generosity does not extend to online storage. Their “tight GitHub integration” is another way of saying all our project code must be stored in our GitHub repositories. If a user is not willing to enter their GitHub credentials, their work only lasts until they disconnect and the virtual machines are shut down. Since I’m squeamish about spreading my GitHub credentials any more than I absolutely have to, this meant abandoning my Angular introductory app once it was complete.

That was the biggest damper on my enthusiasm for StackBlitz. If it weren’t for that bit of security paranoia, I would consider it a good replacement (at least, for the supported types of projects) for Cloud9 which used to be another free online development environment. Unfortunately, after Cloud9 was acquired by Amazon, using Cloud9 is no longer free. Even though Cloud9 is still very affordable in absolute terms (doing my LRWave project on Cloud9 only cost me $0.43 USD) there’s a huge psychological gap between $0.43 and free. Will StackBlitz lose its free usage in the future? Probably. Money to pay the bills for those virtual machines have to come from somewhere.

If this freebie goes away, so be it. It wouldn’t be the end of the world for the average Angular developer because the primary usage scenario is still centered around installing the tools on a development machine.

Lightweight Google AMP Gaining Weight

Today I received a notification from Google AMP that the images I use in my posts are smaller than their recommended size. This came as quite a surprise to me – all this time I thought I was helping AMP’s mission to keep things lightweight for mobile browsers. It keeps my blog posts from unnecessarily using up readers’ cell phone data plans, but maybe this is just a grumpy old man talking. It is clear that Google wants me to use up more bandwidth.

AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages, an open source initiative that was launched by Google to make web pages that are quick to download and easy to render by cell phones. Cutting the fat also meant cutting web revenue for some publishers, because heavyweight interactive ads were forbidden. Speaking for myself, I am perfectly happy to leave those annoying “Shock the Monkey” ads behind.

As a blog writer I don’t usually worry about AMP, because they automatically creates and serves an AMP-optimized version of my page to appropriate readers. And since I don’t run ads on my page there’s little loss on my side. As a statistics junkie, I do miss out on knowing about my AMP viewership numbers, because people who read AMP cached versions of my posts don’t interact with servers and don’t show on my statistics. But that’s a minor detail. And in theory, having an AMP alternate is supposed to help my Google search rankings so I get more desktop visitors than I would otherwise. This might matter to people whose income depends on their web content. I have the privilege that I’m just writing this blog for fun.

Anyway, back to the warning about my content. While I leave AMP optimization up to, I do control the images I upload. And apparently I’ve been scaling them down too far for Google.

amp image recommend 1200 wide

I’m curious why they chose 1200 pixel width, that seems awfully large for a supposedly small lightweight experience. Most Chromebook screens are only around 1300 pixels wide, a 1200 pixel wide image is almost full screen! Even normal desktop web browsers visiting this site retrieves only a 700 pixel wide version of my images. Because of that fact, I had been uploading images 1024 pixels wide and thought I had plenty of headroom. Now that I know Google’s not happy with 1024, I’ll increase to 1200 pixels wide going forward.

Using Cloud 9 To Explore Web Development

I’ve started going through the Getting Started guide for Google’s Material Design Components for Web (MDC Web). This is a prerequisite for Material tutorials and I’ve already run into one problem traced to an out-of-date installation of Node.js. Given that I’m learning a new piece of software, I’m sure I’ll run into more problems that require modifying my computer. As mistakes are likely due to my learning status, I’m wary of potentially messing up my main Ubuntu environment.

What I need right now is an enclosed sandbox for experimentation, and I’ve already set up virtual machines I could use for this purpose. But since this is a web-based project, I decided to go all-in on the web world and try doing it online with a web-based development environment: Cloud 9.

Cloud 9 logo colorI’ve played with Cloud 9 before, back when it was a startup with big dreams. It has since been acquired by Amazon and folded into the wide portfolio of Amazone Web Services (AWS). As far as I knew Cloud 9 has always run on AWS behind the scenes, but now a user is exposed to the underlying mechanisms. It means we now have better control over the virtual machines we’re running, which is mostly good. It also means users have to pay for those virtual machine resources, which is fairly inexpensive (I expect to pay less than $1 for this experiment) but isn’t as good as the “Free” it used to be. The saddest part is that it’s no longer “point-click-go” simple to get started. Getting Cloud 9 properly setup means climbing the learning curve for managing AWS security and permissions, which can be substantial.

Access Permissions

AWS has an entire document focused on authorization and access control for Cloud 9. For someone like myself, who just want to play with Cloud 9 but also want to safely partition it off from the rest of my AWS account, the easiest thing to do is to create a new user account within my AWS dashboard. This account can be assigned a predefined access policy called AWSCloud9User, and that’ll be enough to get started. When logged in to this dedicated account I can be confident mistakes won’t accidentally damage anything else I have in AWS.

Network Permissions

With the power of fine-grained virtual machine control comes the responsibility of configuring it to act the way we want. When I last used Cloud 9, launching a piece of web hosting software on my VM meant it was immediately accessible from the internet. That meant I could bring it up on another browser window at my desk to see how it looks. However, this is no longer the default behavior.

When running my VM in the form of an Amazon EC2 instance like now, it has its own network firewall settings to deal with. Not only that, the VM is in its own private network (Amazon VPC) which has its own network firewall settings. Both of these firewalls must be configured to allow external access if I’m to host web content (as when exploring MDC Web) and wish to see it on my own machine.

There’s a lot of documentation online for using Cloud 9. The specific configuration settings that need to be changed are found under “Previewing Running Applications” in section “Share a Running Application over the Internet

Amazon Machine Learning School Now Open

AWS logoWhen I was learning about artificial intelligence in school, knowledge was found in the form of advanced textbooks and academic journals. It takes a certain amount of dedication to understand and digest that information. Now, a few decades later, leading edge research can be found on the internet. But even better: many educational resources for people outside those academic fields of study are also available online.

These resources have just grown again, as Amazon opened up their AWS Machine Learning course to the world. Formerly a part of internal employee training, it now helps people get up to speed outside the company as well. (And naturally help convert them to become paying AWS customers.)

There are different courses for different audiences, from developers to business professionals. And they cover different parts of AWS services. When I get around to taking these classes (the to-do list never seems to grow shorter…) I’ll likely dive into the developer track for visual recognition algorithms. If I feel good about my grasp of the code, I’ll see if I can integrate an Amazon DeepLens unit into my robotics projects.

This set of AWS courses is the latest addition to a long list of web-accessible resources for learning latest tools for AI. It’s great that I don’t need to enroll in school to see how the field has evolved since the time I was at UCLA.

Github Seems To Have Stopped Showing STL Changes

A few years ago Github courted the 3D printing crowd by offering a 3D model viewer to see STL files, and then added a feature to visualize differences between revisions of STL files.


One of the reasons I put Sawppy STLs on Github is for people to see parts in their browser without having to install any software. I thought it would also be cool for people to see parts as they evolved. When I first started playing with putting STL files on Github, I thought this was a great way to track changes across major revisions.

Unfortunately, the revision visualization module seems to be gone. The 3D model viewer is still there so the primary motivation for putting STLs on Github is still good. But when I try to view file changes, the changes are no longer shown. The official help documentation still talks about the feature, it just doesn’t seem to work.

I liked seeing STL diffs visually and it makes me sad the feature is now inaccessible.

My First Cloud Storage Failure

Amazon_Drive_logoI count myself as a skeptic of the new cloud-based world. When I first learned of DropBox I wasn’t willing to trust it with my data. When I read about the frustration of people whose data are still trapped on MegaUpload,  I felt vindicated.

But the tide of progress moved forward and now we have many cloud-based storage providers with enough of a track record for me to dip my toes in the water. Starting in January 2016 I started using cloud-based storage for my personal needs, spreading my files across Microsoft OneDrive, Google Drive, and Amazon Drive.

That’s not to say I trust cloud-based storage yet. I still maintain my regimen of home offline backups on removable hard drives. And for the files that I feel are important, I duplicate storage across at least two of the cloud storage providers.

Almost a year and a half in, I admit I see a lot of benefit. I’ve become a lot less dependent on a specific computer as much of my files are accessible from any computer with an internet connection. I can pick up work where I left off on another computer. I can refresh and reformat a computer with far less worry I’ll destroy any irreplaceable data.

And then there are the wacky outliers. When I wanted to obtain a library card, one required proof of local residency is an utility bill. I was able to pull out my phone and retrieve a recent electric bill thanks to cloud storage.

But just like physical spinning hard drives, a failure is only a matter of time. And tonight, after almost 18 months of flawless cloud storage performance, we have our first winner. Or more accurately, our first loser. Tonight I was not able to access my files on Amazon Drive. I get the “Loading” spinner that never goes away.

The underlying Amazon storage infrastructure seems ok. (AWS S3 status is green across the board.) This must be a failure in their consumer-level storage offering, which will probably get fixed soon.

In the meantime, they have one annoyed customer.

Static Web Site Hosting with Amazon S3 and Route 53

aws_logoWeb application frameworks have the current spotlight, which is why I started learning Ruby on Rails to get an idea what the fuss was about. But a big framework isn’t always the right tool for the job. Sometimes it’s just a set of static files to be served upon request. No server-side smarts necessary.

This was where I found myself when I wanted to put up a little web site to document my #rxbb8 project. I just wanted to document the design & build process, and I already had registered the domain The HTML content was simple enough to create directly in a text editor and styled with CSS from the Materialize library.

After I got a basic 1.0 version of my hand-crafted site, I uploaded the HTML (and associated images) to an Amazon S3 bucket. It only takes a few clicks to allow files in a S3 bucket to be web-accessible via a long cumbersome URL on Amazon AWS domain Since I wanted this content to be accessible via the domain I already registered, I started reading up on the AWS service named in geek-humor style as Route 53.

Route 53 is designed to handle the challenges of huge web properties, distributing workload across many computers in many regions. (No single computer could handled all global traffic for, say, The challenge for a novice like myself is to figure out how to pull out just the one tool I need from this huge complex Swiss army knife.

Fortunately this usage case is popular enough for Amazon to have written a dedicated developer guide for it. Unfortunately, the page doesn’t have all the details. The writer helpfully points the reader to other reference articles, but those pages revert back to talking about complex deployments and again it takes effort to distill the simple basics out of the big feature list.

If you get distracted or lost, stay focused on this Cliff Notes version:

  1. Go into Route 53 dashboard, create a Hosted Zone for the domain.
  2. In that Hosted Zone, AWS has created two record sets by default. One of them is the NS type, write down the name servers listed.
  3. Go to your domain registrar and tell them to point name servers for the domain to the AWS name servers listed in step 2.
  4. Create S3 storage bucket for the site, enable static website hosting.
  5. Create a new Record Set in the Route 53 Hosted Zone. Select “Alias” to “Yes” and point alias target to the S3 storage bucket in step 4.

Repeat #4 and #5 for each sub-domain that needs to be hosted. (The AWS documentation created and repeated 4-5 for

And then… wait.

The update in step 3 needs time to propagate to name servers across the internet. My registrar said it may take up to 24 hours. In my case, I started getting intermittent results within 2 hours, but it took more than 12 hours before everything stabilized to the new settings.

But it was worth the effort to see version 1.0 of my created-from-scratch static web site up and running on my domain! And since it’s such a small and simple site with little traffic, it will cost me only a few pennies per month to host in this manner.


Let the App… Materialize!

materializecsslogoAfter I got the Google sign-in working well enough for my Rails practice web app, the first order of business was to build the basic skeleton. This was a great practice exercise to take the pieces I learned in the Ruby on Rails Tutorial sample app and build something of my own design.

The initial pass implemented basic functionality but it didn’t look very appealing. I had focused on the Rails server-side code and left the client-side code simple plain HTML that would have been state-of-the-art in… maybe 1992?

Let’s make it look like something that belongs in 2017.

The Rails tutorial sample app used Bootstrap to improve the appearance and functionality of the client-side interface. I decided to take this opportunity to learn something new instead of doing the same thing. Since I’m using Google Sign-In in this app, I decided to adopt Google’s design concepts to my client-side appearance as well.

Web being the web, I knew I wouldn’t have to start from scratch. I knew about Google’s own Material Lite and thought that would be a good candidate before I learned it had been retired in favor of its successor, Material Components for the web. One of the touted advantages was improved integration with different web platforms. Sadly Rails was not among the platforms with examples ready-to-go.

I looked around for an existing project to help Rails projects adapt Google’s design language, and that’s when I found Materialize: A library that shares many usage patterns with Bootstrap. The style sheets are even written using SASS, native to default Rails apps, making for easy integration. Somebody has done that work and published it as Ruby gem materialize-sass, so all I had to do was add a single line to use Materialize in my app.

Of course I still had to put in the effort to revise all the view files in my web app to pick up Materialize styling and features. That took a few days, and the reward for this effort is a practice web app which no longer look so amateurish.

Protecting User Identity

google-sign-inRecently, web site security breaches have been a frequent topic of mainstream news. The technology is evolving but this chapter of technology has quite some ways to go yet. Learning web frameworks gives me an opportunity to understand the mechanics from web site developer’s perspective.

For my project I decided to use Google Identity platform and let Google engineers take care of identification and authentication. By configuring the Google service to retrieve only basic information, my site never sees the vast majority of personally identifiable information. It never sees the password, name, e-mail address, etc.

All my site ever receives is a string, the Google ID. My site uses it to identify an user account. With the security adage of “what I don’t know, I can’t spill” I thought this was a pretty good setup: The only thing I know is the Google ID, I can’t spill anything else.

Which led to the next question: what’s the worst that can happen with the ID?

I had thought the ID is something Google generated for my web site. More specifically my site’s Client ID. I no longer believe so. A little experimentation (aided by a change in Client ID for the security issue previously documented) led me to now believe it’s possible the Google ID is global across all Google services.

This means if a hacker manages to get a copy of my site’s database of Google ID, they can cross-reference to databases of other compromised web sites. Potentially assembling a larger picture out of small pieces of info.

While I can’t stop using Google ID (I have to have something to identify an user) I can make it more difficult for a hacker to cross-reference my database. I’ve just committed a change to hash the ID before it is stored in the database. Salted with a value that is unique per deployed instance of the app.

Now for a hacker to penetrate the identity of my user, they must do all of the following:

  1. Obtain a copy of the database.
  2. Obtain the hashing salt used by the specific instance of the app which generated that database.
  3. Already have the user’s Google ID, since they won’t get the original ID out of my database of hashed values.

None of which are impossible, but certainly a lot more effort than it would have otherwise taken.

I think this is a worthwhile addition.

Limiting Google Client ID Exposure

google-sign-inToday’s educational topic: the varying levels of secrecy around cloud API access.

In the previous experiment with AWS, things were relatively straightforward: The bucket name is going to be public, all the access information are secret, and none of them are ever exposed to the user. Nor are they checked into the source code. They are set directly on the Heroku server as environment variables.

Implementing a web site using Google Identity got into a murky in-between for the piece of information known as the client ID. Due to how the OAuth system is designed, the client ID has to be sent to the user’s web browser. Google’s primary example exposed it as a HTML <meta> tag.

The fact the client ID is publicly visible led me to believe the client ID is not something I needed to protect, so I had merrily hard-coded it into my source and checked it into Github.

Oops! According to this section of the Google Developer Terms of Service document, that was bad. See the sections I highlighted in bold:

Developer credentials (such as passwords, keys, and client IDs) are intended to be used by you and identify your API Client. You will keep your credentials confidential and make reasonable efforts to prevent and discourage other API Clients from using your credentials. Developer credentials may not be embedded in open source projects.

Looks like we have a “secret but not secret” level going on: while the system architecture requires that the client ID be visible to an user logging on to my site, as a developer I am still expected to keep it secret from anybody just browsing code online.

How bad was this mistake? As far as security goofs go, this was thankfully benign. On the Google developer console, the client ID is restricted to a specific set of URIs. Another web site trying to use the same client ID will get an error:


IP addresses can be spoofed, of course, but this mitigation makes abuse more difficult.

After this very instructional detour, I updated my project’s server-side and client-side code to retrieve the client ID from an environment variable. The app will still end up sending the client ID in clear text to the user’s web browser, but at least it isn’t in plain sight searchable on Github.

And to close everything out, I also went into the Google developer console to revoke the exposed client ID, so it can no longer be used by anybody.

Lesson learned, moving on…

Adventures in Server-Side Authentication

google-sign-inThe latest chapter comes courtesy of the Google Identity Platform. For my next Rails app project, I decided to venture away from the user password authentication engine outlined in the Hartl Ruby on Rails Tutorial sample app. I had seen the “Sign in with Google” button on several web sites (like Codecademy) and decided to see it from the other side: Users for my next Rails project will sign in with Google!

The client-side code was straightforward following directions in the Google documentation. The HTML is literally copy-and-paste, the JavaScript needed some reworking to translate into CoffeeScript for the standard Rails asset pipeline but wasn’t terribly hard.

The server side was less straightforward.

I started with the guide Authenticate with a Backend Server which had links to the Google API Client Library for (almost all) of the server side technologies including Ruby. The guide page itself included examples on using the client library to validate the ID token in Java, Node.JS, PHP, and Python. The lack of Ruby example would prove problematic because each flavor of the client library seems to have different conventions and use different names for the functionality.

Java library has a dedicated GoogleIdTokenVerifier class for the purpose. Node.JS library has a GoogleAuth.OAuth2 class with a verifyIdToken method. PHP has a Google_Client class with a verifyIdToken method. And to round out the set, Python library has oauth2client.verify_id_token.

Different, but they’re all in a similar vein of “verify”, “id”, and “token” so I searched the Ruby Google API client library documentation for those keywords in the name. After a few fruitless hours I concluded what I wanted wasn’t there.

Where to next? I went to the library’s Github page for clues. I had to wade through a lot of material irrelevant to the immediate task because the large library covers the entire surface of Google services.

I thought I had hit the jackpot when I found reference to the Google Auth Library for Ruby. It’s intended to handle all authentication work for the big client library, with the target completion date of Q2 2015. (Hmm…) Surely it would be here!

It was not.

After too many wrong turns, I looked at Signet in detail. It has a OAuth2::Client class, which sounded very similar to the other libraries, but it had no “verify” method so every time I see a reference to Signet I keep deciding to look elsewhere. Once I decided to read into the details of Signet::OAuth2::Client, I finally figured out that it had a decoded_id_token method that can optionally verify the token.

So it had the verification feature but the keyword “verify” itself wasn’t in the name, throwing off my search multiple times.


Nothing to do now but to take some deep breaths, clear out the pent-up frustration, and keep on working…

Dipping toes in AWS via Rails Tutorial Sample App

aws_logoAmazon Web Services is a big, big ball of yarn. For somebody just getting started, the list of AWS products is quite intimidating. It’s not any fault of Amazon, it’s just the nature of building out such a comprehensive system. Fortunately, Amazon is not blind to the fact people can get overwhelmed and put admirable effort into a gentle introduction via their Getting Started resources: a series of (relatively) simple guided tours through select parts of the AWS domain.

At the end of it all, though, a developer has to roll up their sleeves and dive in. The question then is: where? In previous times, I couldn’t make up my mind and got stuck. This time around, I have a starting point: Michael Hartl’s Ruby on Rails Tutorial sample app, which wants to store images on Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service).

Let’s make it happen.

One option is to blaze the simplest, most direct path to get rolling, but I resisted. The example I found on granted the rails app full access to storage with my AWS root credentials. Functionally speaking that would work, but that is a very bad idea from a security practices standpoint.

So I took a detour through Amazon IAM (Identity and Access Management). I wanted to learn how to do a properly scoped security access scheme for the Rails sample app, rather than giving it the Golden Key to the entire kingdom. Unfortunately, since IAM is used to manage access to all AWS properties, it is a pretty big ball of yarn itself.

Eventually I found my on-ramp to AWS: A section in the S3 documentation that discussed access control via IAM. Since I control the rails app and my own AWS account, I was able to skip a lot of the cross-account management for this first learning pass, boiling it down to the basics of what I can do for myself to implement IAM best practices on S3 access for my Rails app.

After a few bumps in the exploration effort, here’s what I ended up with.

Root account: This has access to everything, so we want to use this account as little as possible to minimize risk of compromising this account. Login to this account just long enough to activate multi-factor authentication and create an IAM user account with “AdministratorAccess” privileges. Log out of the management console as root, log back in under the new admin account to do everything else.

Admin account: This account is still very powerful so it is still worth protecting. But if it should be compromised, it can at least be shut down without closing the whole Amazon account. (If root is compromised, all bets are off.) Use this account to set up the remaining items.

Storage bucket: While logged in as the admin account, go to the S3 service dashboard and create a new storage bucket.

Access policy: Go to the IAM dashboard and create a new S3 access policy. The “resource” of the policy is the storage bucket we just created. The “action” we allow are the minimum set needed for the rails sample app and no more.

  1. PutObject – this permission allows the rails app to upload the image file itself.
  2. PutObjectAcl – this permission allows the rails app to change the access permission on the image object, make the image publicly visible to the world. This is required for use as the source field of an HTML <img> tag in the rails app.
  3. DeleteObject – when a micropost is deleted, the app needs this permission so the corresponding image can be deleted as well.

Access group: From the IAM dashboard, create a new access group. Under the “Permissions” list of the group, attach the access policy we just created. Now any account which is a member of the group has enough access the storage bucket to run the rails sample app.

User: From the IAM dashboard, create a new user account to be used by the rails app. Add this newly user to the access group we just created, so it is a part of the group and can use the access policy we created. (And no more.)

This new user, which we granted only a low level of access, will not need a password since we’ll never log in to Amazon management console with it. But we will need to generate an app access key and secret key.

Once all of the above are done, we have everything we need to put into Heroku for the Rails Tutorial sample app. A S3 storage bucket name, plus the access and secret key of the low level user account we created to access that S3 storage bucket.

While this is far more complex than the answer, it is more secure. Plus a good exercise to learn the major bits and pieces of an AWS access control system.

The above steps will ensure that, if the Rails sample app should be compromised in any way, the hacker has only the permissions we granted to the app and no more. While the hacker can put new images on the S3 bucket and make them visible, or delete existing images, but they can’t do anything else in that S3 bucket.

And most importantly, the hacker has no access to any other part of my AWS account.

Rails Tutorial (Take 2)

With all the fun and excitement around 3D printing, I’ve let my Ruby on Rails education lapse. I want to dive back in, but it’s been long enough that I felt I needed a review. Also, during my time away, the Ruby on Rails team released version 5, and Michael Hartl’s Ruby on Rails Tutorial was updated accordingly.

Independent of the Rails 5 updates, it was well worth my time to go through the book again. On second run, I understood some things that didn’t make sense before. It was also good to look at the first do-nothing “hello app” and the second automated-scaffold “toy app” with a little more Rails knowledge under my belt. The book is structured so the beginner reader didn’t have to understand the mechanics of the hello or toy apps, but readers with a bit of understanding will get something out of it.

The release notes for the update mentioned that a few sections were rearranged for better pacing and structure, and added more exercises for readers to check their progress. Both are incremental improvements that I appreciated but neither were especially earth-shattering.

Action Cable, one of the big signature feature of Rails 5, was not rolled into the book. Hartl is handling that in a separate tutorial Learn Enough Action Cable to be Dangerous which I will go through at some point in the near future.

Towards the end of the book, Hartl introduced an optional advanced concept: using Amazon Web Services to store user image uploads. I skipped that section the first time through, and decided to dive into it this time.

I quickly found myself in a deep rabbit hole. Amazon Web Services has many moving parts designed for a wide range of audiences and it’s a challenge to get started without being overwhelmed.

Which is where I am now. Lots more exploration ahead!